

Oct - Dec 2023

This is a project done for CSCE 315 and allows users to order drinks, while managers and employees can also make certain changes to the data. Several accessibility features are also implemented, such as a magnifying glass and Google translate. Additionally, sign-on using OAuth can be used to make orders. This project was done in React for the frontend, Node.js for the backend, and PostgresSQL for the database.

Check out our project here:

Detecting Freezing of Gait (FOG) Events

Sept - Dec 2023

In the Fall 2023 semester, I worked on machine learning project with 4 others to help detect Freezing of Gait (FOG) Events for those who have Parkinson's Disease. This is done in partnership with the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research, as we use data provided from them for our models.

Check out the github here:
Detecting FOG Events

Restuarant 8

Jan - May 2023

This is the final project done for CSCE 310, Database Systems. It is made with PHP and HTML/CSS embedded within it and MySQL to create, read, update, and delete entries. It is also connected to a dynamic database complete with attributes and entities. Users can sign up and login with a email and password, and there are different permissions depending on if you're an admin, employee, or customer. To summarize what the site is used for, Restuarant 8 provides users with the ability to reserve tables, make orders, and rate their food.

Check out the github here:
Restuarant 8

MLH Fellowship Prep Program

Apr 2023

In the MLH Fellowship Prep Program, I worked with students around the world in a fast-paced 3-week program. We had daily stand-up meetings, and collaborated on two projects with Jekyll, React, and git. The first project was a Portfolio that showcased all of our members, along with fun features and facts about us. The second project was a Weather App that gave up-to-date weather events, temperatures, and more.

Check out our projects here:
MLH Portfolio
MLH React Weather App

LFX Mentorship Program

May 2022 - Aug 2022

In this program, I worked with Wayfair engineers using Rust in an open-source project called Tremor. As my first time working in open-source, this was a lot of fun as I got to learn about how software development works and how important version control was.

Check out my blog post here:
Carol Geng's LFX Mentorship Report

Project IRIS

Apr 2022 - Present

Project IRIS is a NASA funded start-up working on the development of an in-situ radiation shield for the lunar surface. It was first proposed in January 2022 under NASA’s Proposal Writing and Evaluation Experience (NPWEE) in L’SPACE Academy and ended up winning $10,000 in funding to be developed further. A team of 10 scientists and engineers is currently coordinating meetings with NASA Advisors and Subject Matter Experts while also contacting other professionals of this field. Currently, I have been acting as the Engineering Subteam Lead for this project.

Check out Project IRIS here: